Monday, September 10, 2007

Settling In

So I'm in Barcelona and trying to figure out this damn blog thing and its harder than I thought. Besides that, things are good, I'm exploring the city a lot, mostly alone. Those who know me well know that it takes me longer than average to feel comfortable around new people. Currently I'm living in a dorm alone until Spanish students move in later this month. That's good because now the dorm feels more "American" than Macalester. For those who have not been, Barcelona is fucking amazing! I don't start class for another week and I'm going Galicia later this week.

This weekend I went on a two tour buses that took me all around the city to some sweet places trying to fill out my "Cultural Passport" to
get free museum tickets. My favorite was the Parc Guell, a park designed by Antonio Gaudi (that's where the picture is from). Another one of the goals was to take a picture of yourself in the labyrinth with a particular statue. I took my fucking picture with three different statues and the woman the office still wouldn't give me credit because I didn't know which one was Eros ... whatever. I also saw Camp Nou where F. C. Barcelona plays.

That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading as I get accustomed to this whole blog thing - Ben

1 comment:

Pecosa said...

Haha Oh dearie, te quiero. Que sigas pasandola bien! Hope all goes well when the Spaniards move in!